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Name: zOey
B'dae: 25 January 1994
Age: 15
School: FMSS
Likes: Havin fun, Hangin out with friends, Listening to music...
Dislikes: Insects and bugs of all types!!!

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

the cone of shame!
Dug's the cutest!!! :D

Hey people!
Juz watched 'Up'!!! the dog SOO CUTE!!!
Dug! Dug! Dug!
Haha ok lets see if can remember some things Dug said
"My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you."
"Won't you please be my prisoner, please please please! "
''Oh! A Ball! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! A Ball!"
"Yes, I do! I so ever do want the ball!"
"Oh, boy! Oh, boy! I will go get it and then bring it back!"
"I hid under your porch because I love you."
"I do not like the cone of shame."
"it is funny because the squirrel is dead"
Haha OMG he is SOO cute and yes i only watched the show once XD
Dug Dug Dug!!!
Okays my papa juz came back from he's business trip! missed him soo much
but i'm sorta used to him goin for a business trip.
haha tried curling my hair when my mom went to highlight her hair.
but no more le so wasted! i may curl mi hair again but maybe during the holidays! :D
today was fun! cya!